my life is tacky. my life is fabulous.

June 24, 2010

introducing....LOBSTER SKIRT

i can't believe i haven't posted about my latest TBF article of clothing: LOBSTER SKIRT. i inherited Lobster Skirt from a dear friend from college, who has been my TBF role model since before i knew what TBF was. she had this amazing wrap skirt printed with lobsters that i have coveted for YEARS, and when she visited houston recently (to see me in a play that she wrote, huzzah!), she brought it for me!

Lobster Skirt is basically the BTE (best thing ever). when i wear Lobster Skirt, i feel confident and happy and totally TBF. and one of the best things about Lobster Skirt is its versatility. sure, it's a skirt, but it can also be worn as....wait for it...


Lobster Skirt does what it wants, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was the source of all things good and beautiful in the world.

June 11, 2010

sometimes i really hate people

the following things have all been said to me in the course of less than a week.

1."why aren't you dating anyone?"

2. "so when are you getting married?"

3. "maybe if you just lost a few pounds..."

June 7, 2010

something blue

june 2004. my sister katie's wedding. color: periwinkle

july 2007. my roommate emily's wedding. color: sky blue.

june 2010. my friend melissa's wedding. color: navy.

coming soon:
november 2010. my friend taylor's wedding. color: marine.
december 2010. my friend lindsay's wedding. color: navy.

i'm a really good bridesmaid, yall.