my life is tacky. my life is fabulous.

September 30, 2010

the result of a gorgeous sunny day

the blue one is a lyric from "the beauty is" from the light in the piazza for my friend rachael.
the purple one is a quote from a fabulous dancer named courtney galiano for my friend sarah.

i like being able to make things, even if they aren't perfect.
i like being able to share things i make with my friends, who love me even though i'm not perfect.

September 26, 2010


i get the urge to paint a lot.
i am not a painter.
i am too much of a perfectionist and not enough of an artist.
painting is one of the few things that simultaneously stresses me out and calms me down.
any time i put paint to canvas i end up worrying about how imperfect the end result looks.
but i think that the imperfections are what make my paintings beautiful.
and isn't that really true for everything in life?

September 23, 2010

September 22, 2010


so you think you can dance.
harry potter.

i can't even right now. i just...i am overwhelmed. i love pop culture. LOVE IT!!

September 1, 2010

QUOTE LOVE, volume six: the sarah ruhl edition

"if you were really sorry, you wouldn't have don it. we do as we please, and then we say we're sorry. but we're not sorry. we're just - uncomfortable - watching other people in pain." - lane, the clean house

"i think maybe heaven is a sea of untranslatable jokes. only everyone is laughing." - matilde, the clean house

"my life is not so bad. i read somewhere in a book: you have a right to be happy. or was it: you have the right to pursue happiness. that's right. you have the right to chase happiness." - mary, late: a cowboy song

"life really does have moments of transcendent beauty, doesn't it?" - tilly, melancholy play

"i'd rather be an almond with you than be a person with me." - joan, melancholy play