my life is tacky. my life is fabulous.

August 27, 2010

an ode to ambiance

i like background noise. it's impossible for me to sleep without some form of white noise, be it from a fan or an air conditioning unit or my "sleepytime" playlist on my ipod. the only thing better than losing myself in a great book is losing myself in a great book to the sound of rain or soft instruments in the background. and Lord knows i rarely clean, but when i do, there MUST be lady gaga or pat benatar or some variety of late 90s/early 00s teen pop blaring so i can dance while i disinfect.

the internet is so neat! i've found two awesome websites that i can tailor to provide the just the right kind of background noise for pretty much any situation.

(side note: every time...literally, EVERY TIME... i use the word "situation" in a sentence or conversation or anything, i imagine mike "the situation" sorentino from jersey shore popping up out of nowhere and yelling "DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAAAAAMMME???" every. time.)

rainy mood - its a thirty minute loop of a rainstorm, which means i get the wonderful of rain on the roof without the scary thunder and lightning, the flooding streets, the plethora of mud and the inconvenience and annoyance that comes with actual rain.

stereo mood - decide what mood you're in. pick the corresponding mood from the list. get a playlist of great music tailored to that mood. ITS AWESOME!! i've found a lot of artists and songs that i love but would never have known about otherwise, and it's also reintroduced me to some songs that i'd forgotten how much i loved (hey there, canned heat by jamaroqui...yes, i will listen to you all the time).

so right now i have rainy mood playing simultaneously with the "sweet" playlist, which so far has given me songs by iron & wine, she & him, cocorosie, and buddy holly. its a wonderful way to spend my friday evening, with a book and some pop tarts and my very own soundtrack.

stay TBF, friends. :)

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