my life is tacky. my life is fabulous.

December 3, 2010

you've probably noticed i haven't posted in awhile

that's because i haven't been feeling very TBF lately. i haven't been feeling much of anything, besides anxiety and sadness. *insert debbie downer noise* those are feelings i don't want to be spreading around, so things have been quiet here, and will probably stay that way for awhile.

this is not to say that TBF is dead. oh, no. TBF is alive and well in the world, and for that i am thankful! i want to encourage everyone to remain tacky AND fabulous. i'll be back when i can say i'm feeling the same.

don't worry, friends. i'm just taking a little break. a little me time. and really, that's kind of TBF in and of itself.

November 8, 2010

i love how music stays with me

and says everything i don't know how to say.

October 17, 2010

Sunday secrets, volume two

1. the medicine i take to make me less crazy is making me more crazy.

October 10, 2010

Sunday Secrets, Volume 1

1. i feel like a failure because i am okay with being single.

2. i don't think i will ever fall in love.

3. because i don't know how to love myself.

4. i don't understand how people can go on a diet where they can't eat carbs. carbs are my lifeblood.

5. any time i make a list, it has to have an odd number of items on it.

6. to demonstrate, i have added a sixth item to this list.

7. and i could not bring myself to click "publish post" until i added a seventh.

October 3, 2010

webcam vanity, TBF style

sometimes, i'm capable of looking like a nice, well-put-together, semi-stylish human being.

and sometimes i even wake up early enough to actually straighten my hair and put on makeup before work!

but most of the time i look like this.

try to contain yourselves, boys! there's plenty of this to go around. ::WINK::

September 30, 2010

the result of a gorgeous sunny day

the blue one is a lyric from "the beauty is" from the light in the piazza for my friend rachael.
the purple one is a quote from a fabulous dancer named courtney galiano for my friend sarah.

i like being able to make things, even if they aren't perfect.
i like being able to share things i make with my friends, who love me even though i'm not perfect.

September 26, 2010


i get the urge to paint a lot.
i am not a painter.
i am too much of a perfectionist and not enough of an artist.
painting is one of the few things that simultaneously stresses me out and calms me down.
any time i put paint to canvas i end up worrying about how imperfect the end result looks.
but i think that the imperfections are what make my paintings beautiful.
and isn't that really true for everything in life?

September 23, 2010

September 22, 2010


so you think you can dance.
harry potter.

i can't even right now. i just...i am overwhelmed. i love pop culture. LOVE IT!!

September 1, 2010

QUOTE LOVE, volume six: the sarah ruhl edition

"if you were really sorry, you wouldn't have don it. we do as we please, and then we say we're sorry. but we're not sorry. we're just - uncomfortable - watching other people in pain." - lane, the clean house

"i think maybe heaven is a sea of untranslatable jokes. only everyone is laughing." - matilde, the clean house

"my life is not so bad. i read somewhere in a book: you have a right to be happy. or was it: you have the right to pursue happiness. that's right. you have the right to chase happiness." - mary, late: a cowboy song

"life really does have moments of transcendent beauty, doesn't it?" - tilly, melancholy play

"i'd rather be an almond with you than be a person with me." - joan, melancholy play

August 27, 2010

an ode to ambiance

i like background noise. it's impossible for me to sleep without some form of white noise, be it from a fan or an air conditioning unit or my "sleepytime" playlist on my ipod. the only thing better than losing myself in a great book is losing myself in a great book to the sound of rain or soft instruments in the background. and Lord knows i rarely clean, but when i do, there MUST be lady gaga or pat benatar or some variety of late 90s/early 00s teen pop blaring so i can dance while i disinfect.

the internet is so neat! i've found two awesome websites that i can tailor to provide the just the right kind of background noise for pretty much any situation.

(side note: every time...literally, EVERY TIME... i use the word "situation" in a sentence or conversation or anything, i imagine mike "the situation" sorentino from jersey shore popping up out of nowhere and yelling "DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAAAAAMMME???" every. time.)

rainy mood - its a thirty minute loop of a rainstorm, which means i get the wonderful of rain on the roof without the scary thunder and lightning, the flooding streets, the plethora of mud and the inconvenience and annoyance that comes with actual rain.

stereo mood - decide what mood you're in. pick the corresponding mood from the list. get a playlist of great music tailored to that mood. ITS AWESOME!! i've found a lot of artists and songs that i love but would never have known about otherwise, and it's also reintroduced me to some songs that i'd forgotten how much i loved (hey there, canned heat by jamaroqui...yes, i will listen to you all the time).

so right now i have rainy mood playing simultaneously with the "sweet" playlist, which so far has given me songs by iron & wine, she & him, cocorosie, and buddy holly. its a wonderful way to spend my friday evening, with a book and some pop tarts and my very own soundtrack.

stay TBF, friends. :)

August 17, 2010

sometimes a friend just fits

holly and i have been best friends since we were three.
silly bandz? tacky (but awesome)
lifelong friendship? fabulous (and also awesome)

August 3, 2010

as much as i try to make it different

i think i will always be more OCD than TBF.

July 16, 2010


nothing says "i'm a mature 24-year-old" like THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!!!
today is already a wonderful day.
and it will only get even more wonderful from here.
i am so blessed. :)

June 24, 2010

introducing....LOBSTER SKIRT

i can't believe i haven't posted about my latest TBF article of clothing: LOBSTER SKIRT. i inherited Lobster Skirt from a dear friend from college, who has been my TBF role model since before i knew what TBF was. she had this amazing wrap skirt printed with lobsters that i have coveted for YEARS, and when she visited houston recently (to see me in a play that she wrote, huzzah!), she brought it for me!

Lobster Skirt is basically the BTE (best thing ever). when i wear Lobster Skirt, i feel confident and happy and totally TBF. and one of the best things about Lobster Skirt is its versatility. sure, it's a skirt, but it can also be worn as....wait for it...


Lobster Skirt does what it wants, and i wouldn't be surprised if it was the source of all things good and beautiful in the world.

June 11, 2010

sometimes i really hate people

the following things have all been said to me in the course of less than a week.

1."why aren't you dating anyone?"

2. "so when are you getting married?"

3. "maybe if you just lost a few pounds..."

June 7, 2010

something blue

june 2004. my sister katie's wedding. color: periwinkle

july 2007. my roommate emily's wedding. color: sky blue.

june 2010. my friend melissa's wedding. color: navy.

coming soon:
november 2010. my friend taylor's wedding. color: marine.
december 2010. my friend lindsay's wedding. color: navy.

i'm a really good bridesmaid, yall.

May 21, 2010

one of [those] days

i will not let the fact that i feel gigantic and disgusting (which is very tacky) steal the joy i get from performing (which is very, VERY fabulous).

this cannot
will not
must not
rule me anymore.

going to get onstage. going to make people laugh. going to feel alive. going to BE alive. going to love it.

May 19, 2010

being onstage is being alive

tonight i performed.
tonight i made people laugh.
tonight i did what i want to do for the rest of my life.

May 16, 2010

may 16, 2009

i graduated from baylor exactly one year ago.
it feels like yesterday.
it feels like forever.

May 10, 2010

its strange doing life without these four by my side

zach. emmie. brittany. patrick.
i am so thankful that we can and will stay friends no matter the distance between us.
i love them so much more than i can ever say.

May 9, 2010

i love my mommy.

May 7, 2010

things that make me happy!

that last post was just too sad. it's not that i didn't mean it, because i did. it's not that i don't still feel that way, to some degree, most of the time, because i do. but i just don't want all that negativity staring me in the face every time i visit my blog! so here is a list of things that make me happy (in random order). :D

  • acting
  • making people laugh
  • my sister's beagle sinatra
  • inside jokes
  • dinner with my family
  • facebook pictures
  • baylor theatre
  • improvisation
  • ponies
  • the internet
  • stuffed animals
  • my car kenneth
  • quoting teen girl squad
  • anything tina fey says or does
  • velociraptors
  • unicorns
  • the color pink
  • college memories
  • making new friends
  • being reminded of God's mercy and awesomeness
  • finding new music i like
  • hanging out with my sister katie
  • video chats with best friends
  • blogging
  • waco
  • iced coffee
  • disney princesses
  • historical fiction
  • the smell of a new book
  • when things are alphabetized
  • text messages
  • clean sheets on my bed after i've showered
  • coloring
  • hymns
and so many other things!! i feel like i could go on forever...i often forget how very blessed i am, and its so good to remember!

May 3, 2010

too much. not enough.

[friends, a warning: this post will seem whiny. this post will seem self-pitying. this post will seem like i am fishing for something. but i'm not whining. i'm not pitying (much). i'm not fishing. i'm thinking. i'm rambling. i'm letting it out. i'm trying to make sense of it. and i'm not making much progress.]

a lot of my life, i have felt like i am either too much or not enough.

i am too much.
too obsessive.
too scared.
too young.
too old.
too conservative.
too intimidating.
too lazy.
too plain.
too complicated.
too emotional.
too loud.
too much.

i am not enough.
not pretty enough.
not skinny enough.
not talented enough.
not dedicated enough.
not motivated enough.
not smart enough.
not diligent enough.
not open minded enough.
not committed enough.
not happy enough.
not funny enough.
not "enough" enough.

i am always too much or i am never enough.

and these are the character traits that have caused me to disappoint everyone.
parents. siblings. friends. professors. potential boyfriends. people who ask me why i'm not married yet. people who ask me why i'm not successful yet. people who ask me why i'm not doing what they think i should be doing or what i said i would be doing or anything at all.

i feel like a disappointment to everyone, because i am always too much or i am never enough.

and i wonder if perhaps the reason i feel so unfulfilled is because i am too busy worrying about the insignificant opinions of men instead of trying to please the One whose opinion actually matters.

and i realize i think that i am disappointing Him most of all.

i don't know how to do this on my own.
i am too much. i am not enough.

QUOTE LOVE, volume five.

I was never, no I was never, no I was never enough
But I can try, I can try to toughen up
I listened when they told me, if he burns you let him go
Change is hard
I should know

change is hard - she&him

April 29, 2010

hey. you're okay. you'll be fine. just breathe.

i had every intention of writing a whiny post about feeling stressed and nostalgic and overwhelmed and underwhelmed and just plain whelmed all at once. but then i came across this website.

the chill out song.

read the story. listen to the samples. download the song.
the kindness of strangers is just outstanding, and the song really is the perfect "audio-hug."

and friends?
you're okay.
you'll be fine.
just breathe.

April 26, 2010

emmie and lindsay: partners in TBF

we're tacky...

...but we're fabulous.

and then we're tacky....

...but then we're fabulous.

visit her blog
because she is fantastic!

April 25, 2010

an observation

when the question is "so what's new with you?"

the answer "i'm doing some community theatre"

is NEVER as exciting as

"i'm engaged!"

April 22, 2010

QUOTE LOVE, volume 4: because liz lemon just GETS it.

i have been waiting my whole life for someone to put my feelings perfectly into words.
and i will not settle for anything less.

April 21, 2010

things i miss about waco/baylor in the spring

  • the beartrail
  • snow cones from bahama bucks
  • shakespeare scenes
  • diadelernie
  • end of the year gtroupe shows
  • driving down valley mills
  • cameron park
  • diadeloso
  • working the regional uil competition
  • lazy afternoons
  • sitting in burleson quadrangle with an iced coffee
  • painting on my porch
  • musical theatre workshop
  • and so much more
good thing i get to visit next week. just for a few days, but still.

April 18, 2010

so i'm talking to a friend from high school on facebook

we went to school together from 3rd grade through graduation and were always fairly decent friends, but lost touch when we went to college. he was the first boy i ever had a crush on, back in 3rd grade (young love is SO TBF). now he's engaged and living in europe for work, and i'm [perpetually] single and living with my parents, so his side of the conversation is WAY more interesting than mine, obvi. but he said this and it made me smile.

"i wanted to get your autograph before we graduated high school so i could send my kids to college with it once you made it big, i dont think i ever actually got one but i bet you could sign my old yearbook and convince people you signed it back then."

PRECIOUS! look, i mean, i know he's engaged...but we really HAD something in 3rd least until "tiffany" (not her real name) decided to tell the whole class i had a crush on him and he stopped talking to me for a week. WHATEVER YALL.

anyway, its nice when old friends come back into your life and encourage you when you don't expect it. :)

April 17, 2010

QUOTE LOVE, volume three

"i could fall in love with anyone who would sit still in a room with me on a Sunday."

-A, from once more with feeling by christina cigala.

April 15, 2010


remember that time i went to an audition wearing a peacock dress? turns out i totes got the role! tacky but fabulous wins again!!


i'm totally over dove chocolates.

and by that i mean, of course i love dove chocolates as much as the next girl and of course i will continue buying and eating them in large quantities. i'm just kind of done with the cheesy inspirational sayings that are printed on the insides of the wrappers. because lets face it. when i buy a big bag of dark chocolate, its usually because i am in an awful mood (because its that time of the month, or its raining, or i screwed up an audition, or its a monday or something) and i have every intention of sitting on the couch and devouring the entire bag. i just want to fall into a chocolate coma while watching a lifetime movie and lamenting my life, which i really don't think is too much to ask, AMIRIGHT??!? and the last thing i need is to read a high-and-mighty candy wrapper that says "don't put off until tomorrow what could be done today!" or "in every girl is a caterpillar, waiting to become a butterfly" or "reach for the moon! even if you miss, you will land among the stars!"

really, dove? thanks. that really inspires me - inspires me to PUNCH A BABY.

so i'm thinking of starting my own line of chocolates called vulture, because a vulture is pretty much the opposite of a dove. a dove is all about olive branches and peace and harmony and blah blah blah. a vulture is at the customer service desk at the airport complaining about why it can only have one carrion.* MY KIND OF BIRD, YALL.

vulture chocoloates will have sayings on the wrappers, too.
sayings like "that thing you're worried about? it happened."
and "some people die in terrible car fires."

those are the kind of chocolate wrapper sayings i can get behind.

*get it? like a carry-on? only its carrion because vultures eat dead things? GET IT???

April 10, 2010


i just took this picture and uploaded it...from my front yard.
i mean, i'm a college educated girl and i know technology can do your taxes and get you into outer space and stuff.
but i didnt realize i could be on my laptop...on the internet...OUTSIDE.
tacky? no. fabulous? MOST DEFINITELY.

oooh yall, i am kind of dumb. but this is just fantastic to me.

April 9, 2010

a lovely friday

it is absolutely beautiful outside! unfortunately, i am staying inside because the oak pollen level is CODE RED (or whatever the pollen level equivalent of code red is - suffice to say, there is a lot of pollen up in here) and my allergies simply aren't standing for it. but i have the blinds open with sunlight streaming in through the windows, and i'm listening to my newly created "spring 2010" playlist and reading a new book and drinking a diet pepsi and it is just a lovely situation.

and i'm pretty much obsessed with these azaleas that are blooming in our front yard. SOOO pretty!! sigh. i miss spring in waco...but spring in houston isn't too bad. :)

April 6, 2010

good news, guys.

my life might be a hot mess sometimes, and by sometimes i mean all the time.
but i am fairly certain i will never be as tragic as these unfit girls on 16 and pregnant.
and for that i am TOTES thankful.

April 4, 2010

Christ the Lord is risen today!

Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards shook for fear of him, and became like dead men.

But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.”
So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word.

And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.”

--Matthew 28:1-10, NKJV

April 3, 2010

once again, TBF saves the day.

i'm about to leave for an audition and as per usual, i am totes nervous. but fortunately i am wearing my peacock dress, which always makes me feel a little better. nothing like a little tacky but fabulous to calm my soul.

March 31, 2010

its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

sorry for the previous classy but terrible but not classy (CBTBNC) post, friends. i am feeling much better today. i am about to eat a delicious turkey sandwich and then go outside to paint and enjoy the beautiful weather. sighhh...the Lord is so good!

i recently discovered a website featuring pictures of a velociraptor stalking michael buble. i would be lying if i said it wasn't the best thing i have ever seen.

March 30, 2010

i am not feeling tacky OR fabulous right now.

what is the opposite of tacky but fabulous? classy but terrible? i guess i am that. except not classy.

March 28, 2010

things i need immediately:
1. this dress
2. a place to wear it

the game on friday was AMAZING.
today my bears are playing duke for a place in the FINAL FOUR.
the game is in houston. i am in austin. my heart is split.
no matter the outcome today, i am SO PROUD to be a baylor bear.


March 26, 2010

March 25, 2010

its time for some RTAT.

friends. i need some RTAT (real talk about theatre).

as some of you may or may not know, when i am not busy being tacky but fabulous in my every day life, i'm an actor. BAH. that sounds so ridiculous to say. "i'm an actor." never have i ever been paid to be on stage. if that's how you define being an actor, i am not one. but i have a degree in theatre performance. i love acting. i can't NOT act. i feel most like myself when i am portraying someone else. nothing is better than taking an audience on a journey, making them laugh or think or cry or be confused or whatever. if that's how you define being an actor, i AM one of those.

anyway. i have an audition on sunday. no big deal, right? auditions are what actors do. i'm an actor (see: previous paragraph). but (here is a secret) (or if you prefer, RTAT) i am terrified/terrible at auditioning. if the word "terror" is in it, then i am that when it comes to auditioning. ugh. i hate it. probably should have thought that through before, oh, i dont know, CHOOSING MY CAREER, AMIRIGHT??

so tonight i was thinking, as i always do in the days leading up to an audition, what if i don't get it? the intellectual part of me knows that its not a big deal. people go on hundreds and thousands of auditions before they get a role; not every part is perfect for you; maybe you're just not what they're looking for; insert other theatre cliche here. but i can't help but feel that maybe it IS a big deal. i'm a year out of college and i feel stagnant and all my friends are off doing these great big things in the world of theatre and i'm here, living in my parents' house, and knowing that i shouldn't compare myself to others but not being able to help it. it would be another case of not being good enough or "what they want" enough or ENOUGH enough.

and THEN i started thinking...what if i DO get it? i mean, obviously, that would be amazing. but i couldn't help but think of all the things i would have to miss if i did get this job. how much of the next year or so would be taken up by this project. how many friends i wouldn't get to see. how many other opportunities i might have to turn down. how much of life would pass by without me involved. and even how much (wait for it...this is literally awful. it just crossed my mind for a second, but the fact that it crossed my mind AT ALL is disgusting. i seriously hate myself for this) time i wouldn't get to spend on facebook. HEADCASE, PARTY OF ME!! really, how screwed up is that?! i can't even make sense of it.

i've spent my whole life being afraid of failure. but now i am starting to feel like i am also afraid of success.

March 23, 2010

let's revisit that to-do list

  • unpack from waco trip - yeah, whatever.
  • similarly, stop living out of a suitcase - um...yeah, whatever.
  • choose comedic monologue for audition on sunday - CHECK. well, kind of. its narrowed down to two.
  • LEARN comedic monologue for audition on sunday - about that....
  • buy a present for melissa's wedding shower - nope.
  • walk my sister's beagle - CHECK!! i am a good aunt to that dog.
  • write cover letters for internship applications - blerg.
  • revise resume for internship applications - CHECK! and by "revise" i mean i added "velociraptor walk" as one of my special skills.
never will i ever accomplish anything worthwhile.

i've got things to do, yall

  • unpack from waco trip
  • similarly, stop living out of a suitcase
  • choose comedic monologue for audition on sunday
  • LEARN comedic monologue for audition on sunday
  • buy a present for melissa's wedding shower
  • walk my sister's beagle
  • write cover letters for internship applications
  • revise resume for internship applications
i can almost guarantee that only one of those things will get done today. and it does not have to do with unpacking, auditions, dog walking, wedding showers, or internship applications.

March 22, 2010

tyra mail!

how did i miss the fact that there is a new cycle of america's next top model??? thankfully youtube is helping me catch up. this show is ridiculous. i secretly want to be on it.

and by secretly i mean i just told the whole world. CHOOSE ME, TYRA! I WILL BE AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!

and by america's next top model i mean america's next top awkwardly quirky facebook stalker (ANTAQFS).

there should be a reality show about THAT, amiright??

"i have eleven amazing facebook profiles before me, but i only have ten friend requests in my hands. and those friend request represent the ten profiles that are still in the running towards becoming america's next top awkwardly quirky facebook stalker."

March 21, 2010

i dont think you understand how much i REALLY NEED THESE IN MY LIFE.


buy them for me and i will love you forever.

QUOTE LOVE, volume 2

Oh, Dwight.
I want to make sure we get on the same planet when we die.
I don't want to end up with my garden or my dog for all time.
Let's start loving each other right now, Dwight -
not a mediocre love, but the strongest love in the world,
absolutely requited.
I want to be selfish with you.
I want to love you because of and not in spite of
your accidental charms.
I want to love you when you burn the toast
and when your shoes are awful
and when you say the wrong thing
so that we know and all the omniscient things of heaven know
too - lets love each other absolutely.

-Sarah Ruhl, Dead Man's Cell Phone

oh, you're my best friend.

March 20, 2010

unicorn princess heels

i want these.
i need these.

March 18, 2010

i'm in love

...with baylor university theatre.
...with the city of waco.
...with guacamole from ninfas.
...with taking ridiculous amounts of pictures.
...with quoting youtube videos in any and every situation.
...with creating art.
...with seeing great art be created.
...with visiting the places where memories were made.
...with making new memories.
...with my beloved family of BUTs.
...especially with my amazing fellow members of the baylor theatre class of 2009.


March 16, 2010

TBF: live from waco, texas!

excellent news, friends. TBF is sweeping the nation. and by nation i mean it has successfully traveled from houston to dallas to waco. my two beloved SGF (sassy gay friends) have jumped onboard the bandwagon and we are full speed ahead.

today i wore a dress over leggings, a TBF staple. a few compliments + a few side eyes = outfit win.

i have also seen many dear friends, whom i have not seen in a long time, which is way exciting. and i get to see many more over the next two days! HUZZAH FOREVER!!

unfortunate happenings in MotH (matters of the heart, or man! ow, that hurts!). these feelings are neither tacky nor fabulous.

BUT NEVER FEAR. i will remain TBF and carry on.

March 11, 2010


this guy is using a head of lettuce as a telephone.
i'm basically obsessed.
he is my spirit animal.

well hey there insomnia

i'm totes not able to sleep for the third night in a row. thank the Lord for that klonopin prescription - normally used for panic attacks but now used to make me go to freaking sleep.

in tacky but fabulous news (TBF, if you will. tackbutfab.), i fully intend on doing some shopping tomorrow at the TBF capital of the world, ROSS. how many ten dollar dresses can i get to pair with obnoxiously colored tights and/or leggings? only time will tell.

March 10, 2010

bring in the lolz. bring in the funk.

being funny on purpose is hard, yall. i was struck with inspiration to start writing this one woman show i've been thinking about forever, so i'm writing, and its not good. like whoa. like, improv isn't EASY exactly, but its easier than this. yeeeeesh. I WILL PREVAIL THOUGH, DON'T WORRY.

because you cant spell sanity without sanitizer. GET IT?? B/C I'M WRITING ABOUT MY OCD?? lolz.

oh dear.

March 9, 2010

yall. my newest project is going to be EPIC.

it's called "i was a preteen hot mess" and it's basically all my journal entries from childhood. GET READY.

March 7, 2010

QUOTE LOVE, volume 1

When I was nine, I asked my Dad, ‘Can I have your movie camera? That old, wind-up 8-millimeter movie camera that’s in your drawer?’ And he goes, ‘Sure, take it.’ And I took it, and I started making movies with it, and I started being as creative as I could, and never once in my life did my parents ever say, ’ What you’re doing is a waste of time.’ Never….. I know there are kids out there that don’t have that support system. So, if you’re out there and you’re listening, listen to me: If you want to be creative, get out there and do it. It’s not a waste of time.

-michael giacchino, upon winning his Academy Award for Best Original Score

be tacky. be fabulous.

this is my new life motto.
this is my new blog.
this is my new newness.

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooooh, i got a new attitude.